Active Travel Grant Funding Platform

Paths for All

Successfully supporting the administation of over £40,000,000 in travel behaviour change grant funding

SMG were brought in by Paths for All (PfA) to develop a digital solution that could help to administer several funding grant programmes that fund projects which all aim to deliver the charity’s core mission – to get Scotland active through walking, wheeling, and cycling. We were recruited parimarily for both our digitak and social marketing expertise to ensure that projects were focused on behaviour change and the system provided a means of effectively evaluating impact.

Each funding programme was paper-based, and they all had divergent ways of working - separate teams of staff, funding requirements, processes, and reporting.

The ‘Grants for All’ platform was launched in late 2019, integrating project management, grant fund management, CRM, and behaviour change monitoring & evaluation systems; the PfA team can manage manage all applications, the approval of grants, project delivery, reporting, and payment schedules.

Using information submitted by applicants (who use an intuitive front-end portal to apply for funding and report against funding outcomes), the platform collates macro, locally captured project data, turning it into actionable reporting insights that demonstrate travel behaviour change and progress towards PfA’s funders’ sustainability outcomes.

Grants for All acts as a single platform for all PfA’s grant funding work, and has facilitated the management of over 800 grant funded projects, with a value of over £40,000,000.

The scalable nature of the platform, and increased organisational capacity it gave them, whilst continually demonstrating the progress made towards behaviour change outcomes, allowed PfA to more than double the amount of funding administered across their programmes.